What is Digital Signage? 10 Ways to Use Them for Effective Content Delivery in 2024


Digital signage has gained a lot of attention in recent years.

If you are yet to discover what they mean and how they can help your business, this blog is for you!

What is Digital Signage?

Have you noticed those big TV screens when you enter your favorite retail brand store? (They tend to grab more attention with appealing brand videos or new arrivals or offers playing on electronic signage display.)

Or the ones you see at restaurants displaying menu on TV screen? (*They help customers place quick orders and are so much easier to read compared to paper menus. 🤩 )

Or perhaps those giant digital screens you see at malls? (They definitely add more engagement for the visitors.)

Those are all digital signage.

The global electronic signage market size has been valued at USD 24.33 billion in 2022. It is projected to reach USD 45.50 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 7.20% in this forecast period (2023–2031).

So, the next question you might have how digital display will help your business?

There is no one way to go about it!

Signage are versatile for multiple business communication needs.

Every industry and any business size, be it big or small, can put them to good use and benefit from it.

Strategic Ways You could Use Digital Signage

1. Retail – Customer Journey

retail digital signage use cases

By employing digital signage software for your retail store at various touch points, it becomes a very important part of the customer journey.

These enhance customer engagement and provide valuable information about products or services.

This leads to your product becoming more customer-facing, standing out from your competition and having a stronger recall effect.

Use signage at these touch points to grab their benefit to the best:

  • Entrance points – Display compelling messages to entice shoppers and set the tone for their journey.
  • Product Displays – To provide detailed information, demonstrate product features, and showcase videos or customer reviews
  • Customer Service Stations – To display valuable information like such as return policies or warranty details
  • In-store events or workshops – To promote in-store events, product demonstrations, or workshops
  • Checkout areas – To highlight upsell offers, loyalty programs or customer testimonials

Boost customer engagement, maximize sales, and create a customer journey that will keep customers coming back for more with the right use of signage.

Did you know? 80% of customers choose to enter stores after seeing digital signage.

2. Corporate – Employee Communication

corporate digital signage use cases

Electronic signage system can play a very important role in enhancing the workplace environment.

They cultivate a positive and inclusive work environment by highlighting employee accomplishments, streamlining communication methods, acknowledging exceptional performance, and showcasing engaging content such as fun facts, company vision/mission & employee spotlights.

They can be used for:

  • Internal Communication – To disseminate important company announcements and news updates
  • Employee Training – To facilitate employee development and continuous learning
  • Corporate Branding – By displaying brand messages, visuals, and videos in common areas or lobbies
  • Company Events – To display event details, schedules, speaker profiles
  • Performance Dashboards – By displaying performance metrics, key performance indicators (KPIs), or sales data
  • Welcoming Visitors or clients – To welcome guests or provide visitor instructions

With the right content and consistent implementation of signage in your corporate setup, you can seamlessly connect all remote teams, ensuring they remain an integral part of your envisioned company culture.

Did you know? 56% of internal communication teams are considering increasing the use of electronic digital display within their organization.

3. Conglomerate – Brand building & Storytelling

Digital signage plays a crucial role in brand building and storytelling, offering unique opportunities to captivate audiences while conveying brand messages in an engaging and effective manner.

They enable brands to create memorable experiences that foster brand loyalty and differentiation in the market.

They can be used to create:

  • Visual Impact – By using videos, Gifs, high quality brand images
  • Brand Consistency – By displaying cohesive visual elements and marketing content across all stores
  • Story Amplification – By displaying user generated content like testimonial videos.
  • Targeted Messaging – By tailoring content to suit specific demographics or locations to maximize relevance
  • Brand Differentiation – By showcasing unique value proposition, compelling narratives and brand personality

When used right, they have the potential of transforming your brand into a success with an amplified customer base and recall rate.

Did you know? 64% of digital signage users cite increased customer engagement as the main benefit of electronic signage system.

4. Hospitality – Quick Services

digital signage use cases in restaurant

Good customer experience lies at the very core of the hospitality industry.

Hotels and restaurants can use the potential of signages to elevate customer experience.

Here again, their use is multi-dimensional.

Use digital signage for:

  • Digital Menu Boards – To get quick orders and offer an easy-to-read menu
  • Promotional Displays – to showcase promotions, upcoming events, or special offers
  • Real-time Updates – Like weather feeds or local news to keep tourists updated Virtual Tour Videos – Use digital signage to display videos of hotel’s rooms, facilities, and amenities
  • Digital Directories – To guide guests on different areas within the hotel, such as restaurants, meeting rooms, or recreational facilities

With the right implementation of digital signage in hospitality industry, they can help you beat the competition to be the best at customer service.

Did you know? Nearly 30% of customers find digital menus influential for the purchase of a product.

5. Any Industry – Emergency Messaging

fire alarm message on digital display

Digital Signage come in handy when you have an urgent message to transmit within minutes.

It could be a fire, or a sudden power cut or holiday due to an unforeseen reason.

The fastest way to transmit your message in the scenario would be via signages.

They can be used for:

  • Evacuation Instructions- To provide step-by-step help on evacuation routes, assembly points, and safety procedures
  • Emergency Alerts and Notifications – To display emergency notifications, like severe weather warnings, fire alarms, or security threats
  • Shelter-in-Place Instructions To display precise instructions on how to secure the area, where to find emergency supplies, and what actions to take to ensure personal safety
  • Emergency Contact Information – To display emergency contact information, such as phone numbers for security personnel, medical assistance, or local authorities

Make sure to regularly test and use signages used for emergency messaging to ensure they are reliable during critical situations.

6. Gyms & Fitness – Driving Motivation

gym digital signage use cases

Most of us are looking to start our journey to a healthy body and often need a push.

That’s the dilemma every owner of gym or fitness center has.

How to drive more memberships and get potential customers started on their endeavor to good health.

This is where digital signage comes into play.

Right from displaying membership discounts, motivating videos to displaying testimonials, signages can do it all for you.

They can be used for:

  • Promote Membership Benefits – Like state-of-the-art equipment, personalized training programs, group classes, wellness workshops, and discounts on additional services.
  • Provide Workout Tips – To share workout tips, exercise demonstrations, and proper techniques
  • Display Upcoming Classes – Feature upcoming events, workshops, and classes on your digital signage
  • Display Testimonials – Showcasing positive feedback to help build trust and encourage others to join your center

Highlight Success Stories – Highlight members’ progress, transformation, and positive experiences to motivate existing & potential customers.

Make sure to keep updating your content on signages every week to continue having more interest and engagement.

Did you know? 50% of individuals who sign up for a new gym membership end up canceling it within the first 6 months

7. Art Galleries – Elevate Customer Experience

art gallery digital signage use cases

Add more life to your art gallery with attention grabbing art displays that add more value to your gallery experience.

  • Artwork Information – Helps visitors gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the art, fostering a more enriching experience
  • Get More Footfalls – Create amazing slideshows and display eye-popping at the entrance to get more visitors
  • Remote Content Updates – Plan gallery updates and content from anywhere in case of emergencies
  • Event Promotion and Updates – Setup gallery promotions for upcoming displays well in advance to get the most coverage
  • Show Artwork Stories – Create stores that show how your artwork came to life or the inspiration behind it

8. Movie Theaters – Foster Engagement

movie theaters digital signage display

Theater Digital signage can be used to deliver a more immersive experience to your audience at movie theaters.

Right from displaying movie posters, upcoming movie trailers to using them as digital menu boards in the food court, they can be used for different purposes.

  • Display showtime information – Digital signage can provide updates on showtimes and display ticket prices
  • Showcase upcoming movie trailers – Keep visitors engaged during intervals or wait time with upcoming movie trailers
  • Use as digital menu boards – display menu boards at food courts to get quicker orders during interval rush hours
  • Highlight offers & promotions – If you are running any ticket offers or menu offers, signage are the best way at theaters to grab attention
  • Navigation displays – They can be used to help customers find routes to the screens, food courts or exits in case of a large theater area.

9. Healthcare – Health Promotion & Awareness

healthcare digital signage use cases

Signages, because of their appealing nature, prompt onlookers to pay attention to the information displayed.

  • Health Information Displays – To display educational content related to various health topics, educate customers and raise awareness about important health issues.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Tips – To display information on exercise routines, healthy eating habits, stress management techniques, and the importance of regular medical check-ups
  • Displaying Success Stories – By showcasing such success stories, signages can motivate and instill hope in patients, promoting a positive mindset towards their own health journey.
  • Promote Preventive Care Measures – By promoting preventive care, digital signage can encourage customers to prioritize their health and take proactive steps to prevent illnesses.

If utilized to their best, signages can be an engaging and visually appealing mode to deliver important health information, inspire positive changes, and empower individuals to take control of their well-being.

Did you know? 75% of caregivers and patients who view messaging on hospital digital signage systems say that the content enhances the hospital experience and provides helpful health information.

10. Religious Venues – To Connect with Masses

religious venues digital signage use cases

Digital signage can be utilized at religious venues to enhance communication, provide information, and create a more engaging experience for attendees.

  • Worship Service Information – To display information about upcoming worship services, including the date, time, and location.
  • Scripture and Inspirational Messages – Display religious scriptures, inspirational quotes, or messages of faith to serve as a source of spiritual encouragement
  • Community Engagement – Can be used to showcase community outreach programs, volunteer opportunities, and initiatives aimed at serving the local neighborhood
  • Donation and Contribution Displays- Display details about donation drives, fundraising campaigns, and how the contributions will be utilized to benefit the community

By leveraging digital signage for the church , communication, engagement, and the overall worship experience can be enhanced.

Did you know? 52.9% of religious organizations use projectors and other forms of digital signage to deliver sermons.

Irrespective of the industry, digital signage can be used in varied ways to gain attention of your targeted customer base and give a supercharged boost to your marketing plans.

With eye-catching visuals and displaying personalized content, they can revolutionize the customer experience.


At DotSignage, the best digital signage company, we offer you a treasure trove of over 750 in-built templates specifically designed for a wide range of industries.

Whether you’re in retail, hospitality, transportation, healthcare, education, or any other field, we’ve got you covered with captivating and professionally crafted templates that will leave your audience in awe.

But here’s the best part: our signage software makes it incredibly easy for you to manage content updates on the fly, no matter where you are.

With just a few clicks, you can seamlessly refresh your displays with new information, promotions, or announcements, ensuring that your message is always up to date and relevant.

Oh, and did we mention that it’s as simple as plugging in an Amazon Firestick to your regular smart TV?

That’s right, no need for any additional hardware or complex installations.

Just connect the Firestick, connect it to our user-friendly software, and voila! You’re ready to mesmerize your audience with stunning visuals and engaging content.

The better part is, if your TV is an Android with a Google Play Store, you don’t even need to get an Amazon Firestick.

We also offer a 7-day free trial! Check it out today or schedule a quick demo with us at info@dotsignage.com

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