10 ways Cannabis Digital Menu Boards can Benefit Your Dispensary!
The cannabis industry has seen a lot of growth in recent years, and it’s no surprise that they’ve embraced modern ways of grabbing customers’ attention.
Today we are talking about digital menu boards for cannabis industry. Most of them are using it because they see how it benefits the particular cannabis industry.
Digital menu boards can help you reach a wider audience by allowing your customers to easily view what’s available at your store.
They also allow for more customization on your menu board design, so you can create an experience that is unique to your brand and business model.
Benefits of Having Digital Menu Boards at your Dispensary!
1. They help you save time and money
Digital menu boards are the best way to keep your cannabis dispensary menu up-to-date and in sync with the latest trends.
With the advent of digital menu boards, one can easily edit and update their cannabis menu items, prices at just a few clicks.
Unlike paper menus that always need to be printed, with digital menu boards, you are simply publishing them from a cloud-based server. You can detail out your product lists, strains, concentrates, and edible delicacies.
You save a lot of time and you also save a lot on the frequent as well as recurring printing costs for any kind of menu update.
They give you more control over your menu templates such that if one item is out of stock or if you wish to add a new menu item, it can be easily managed.
2. They help you advertise in a better way
If you’re a cannabis dispensary owner, you know that your customers are going to come in looking for exactly what they want. That’s why it’s so important to have a store that stands out from the rest.
These boards are a great way to highlight your products and specific offerings that make your dispensary stand out among others.
You can also go on to display your website to showcase your major offerings.
Here is how you can advertise your offerings with digital menu boards:
Display facts and more details to keep your customers informed
Easily highlight your high-ticket items
Dedicate a separate template to specific offers you might have
Highlight what makes your dispensary stand out over others
Develop more credibility among potential customers
3. More flexible to your needs
The digital menu boards do not hold you back to make any kind of change on the menu board that you wish to make. You do not need to worry about the printing shops, getting the prints on time or anything for that matter.
You can be travelling, at your home or anywhere and still manage to update your menu boards in no time.
With many software to choose from to manage your digital menu boards, you are free to pick the one that suits best to your needs.
You can create the menu board you need by following these simple tips:
Use clear fonts and colors so customers can easily read what’s on offer.
Use images that depict what’s available (e.g. CBD Oil, marijuana)
Create an intuitive layout with clear sections—this helps reduce confusion when navigating through the menu
User colors that relate to the industry. When it comes to Cannabis, green is the preferred color.
4. Upsell and increase your sales
Many customers prefer quality over quantity. Go on to explain why certain items on your menu are better than others via digital menu boards and we bet, you will find your customers opting for that part more.
This is because people like to buy things that are good and worth the money, they spend on them.
You can go on to dedicate a separate screen for your expensive or high-ticket items that a lot of your customers might opt for compared to others.
If you want to attract more customers, then make sure that you have quality products on offer so that people will want to buy them instead of other things they can get cheaper elsewhere but not as good as these products are in terms of quality. With digital menu boards, you can grab more eyeballs to such items.
5. Improve your customer experience
As a customer, you will always want to go back or visit a retail store or any store for that matter again if they have managed to give you a way better shopping or buying experience compared to others.
More than 50% of the consumer market in the cannabis industry is formulated by Millennials. They like to make informed purchases.
The key to this is helping them with all the information that you need. Besides, you should create your menu board in a way that is easier for them to make their purchase decisions.
By improving their buying experience in the Cannabis store, you can make sure they will keep coming back to your store for every purchase.
6. They help you establish a better operational efficiency
Imagine a situation when you have an item out of stock but you are in no position to update that on your menu?
A customer comes in to your store, decides to place an order for that particular item and discovers the item is not available.
Two things happen in this situation:
a) Your staff is in no position to handle some customers who might insist of having the menu item at any cost
b) Your potential customer just got disappointed and will very well decide not to visit your store ever again.
It’s a loss at both ends.
Now comes the part of how we can rectify the situation with digital menu boards.
Your staff can easily remove the item out of stock and you get happy customers.
A lot of time is saved for your staff in managing your menu and handling constant customer requests as well as queries on menu items.
7. Engage more with stunning videos
Videos always have a way of grabbing your eyeballs. And for that very reason, you need to use videos more. Get an awesome marketing video for your cannabis store. Highlight what makes your offerings different from others.
This video is going to be your indirect sales person. Display this video on the menu board and see the magic happen.
You can be strategic here and decide to play the video during your rush hours. This will increase your store footfalls and repeat customers.
You can also create customer video testimonials and post them on your screens to gain more trust and new potential customers.
8. Automate by scheduling your content
By scheduling different content on your signage screens based on the timings can help you get more footfalls and sales.
Plan this out after careful analysis and understanding of patterns for your audience. Consider you have a college campus nearby and they have lunch breaks at 1 pm and they get off at 4 pm in the evening.
These two times, you can go on to highlight high value items, their uses and benefits on your cannabis menu board.
With the strategic display of content on the menu board based on this time, there are high chances of you getting more visitors and eventually more impulse and even well-thought purchases.
This will also help you get loyal customers in the long run.
9. Establish a better brand image
Your brand image can help you go places so it is important to pay focus of creating a relatable and strong brand identity.
You can start with the below to establish a connect with your audience:
Keep a dedicated TV or a slide highlight what makes your store different from others
Make sure to have lucrative offers every week
Run a referral program to get more word-of-mouth benefit
Tell your brand story and vision with engaging content
Be consistent with your logo and brand colors
If you make sure to start with the above for your cannabis dispensary, it will start showing results in a few months to help you grow your brand recall and presence.
10. They help you build more trust and reliability
Circling out all the benefits that cannabis digital menu boards offer you, when they are used to help customers place well-informed orders, they help you gain more trust!
Unlike paper menus that offer a limitation to the amount of information you can display on the screens, while by using cannabis digital signage, you can create a presentation to guide users about each of the product on your menu.
You can display videos to educate your customers, show their testimonials and even keep updating what you wish to deliver on the screens based on its receptiveness.
It also makes it easier for people who have never visited a dispensary before but want some information about products available in order find out more about each one before deciding whether or not those items would be worth purchasing.
Our top 5 cannabis digital menu board templates
We have a dedicated category to cannabis digital menu boards
1. The high-value item cannabis digital menu board
This template is specifically designed to help you highlight your best or high-value cannabis menu items. Pick up your top 6 and display them here. Dedicate a special screen for this template and you will definitely see more orders pouring in for these items.
2. The white themed cannabis menu board
White, because of the classy color that it is, definitely adds value to your menu board. It makes it easy for you to read your menu items and looks clean and organized.
This white menu template is specifically designed to highlight the benefit of cannabis flowers but you can modify it the way you need.
3. The image heavy cannabis digital menu board
If you are looking to display the relating image of every item on your menu, this template is for you. You can keep adding more as space permits but we advise you to not fill in everything on one template.
This one easily lets you place images for 12 items on your menu. You can even go on to remove the section below and add a few more. With images for each item, it gets easier for your customer to place orders.
4. The white-themed image heavy template
We get it that green color is highly associated with the cannabis industry. With this template, we are highlighting the green with the subtle present of white.
As heavily filled this template is, it looks clean and organized. You get to use individual images of your high-value item and put to the others as well to give a complete look to your cannabis menu.
5. The text heavy cannabis menu board template
This menu board focuses on letting you use a text heavy template and yet look good. A lot of cannabis dispensaries and even other kinds of dining spaces these days are preferring to have text-based menu board templates.
If you have a menu board this is big and placed at a safe distance for the end customers to have a look, you can easily go for this template without a second thought.
Final Call
This is the right time for you to get a digital menu board for your cannabis industry. While others might still be weighing on it, you can start using them right away and make it easier for your customers to place orders.
The cherry on the cake is that you get to manage and update your menu boards easily from anywhere. The hardware part is a one-time investment and the digital menu board software do not cost a lot compared to the value that they offer.
If you are looking to have a solution that not only helps you manage content of your digital menu boards but also gives you ample of cannabis templates to choose from or design your own template, DotSignage is a perfect fit.
Smit Nebhwani, a tech entrepreneur with over a decade of experience, specializes in building successful SaaS products. An authority in digital signage, he shares valuable industry insights through his content. In his free time, he enjoys music, traveling, and family time.