The entire world has only one thing in their mind at the moment – COVID-19. Many countries and regions are in absolute lockdown and it is crucial for everyone to understand the crises that we are in. All businesses are shut apart from the ones that need to cater for public welfare. It is during this time that Digital Signage can be used to inform and educate the masses about the virus and its implications.
Since we have cloud based digital signage software like DotSignage to manage the content on the digital screens with ease, all that needs to do is prepare the content and display it.
Here is a list of things that can be done with Digital Signage to tackle the urgent situation:
1) The government could use the signboards under their surveillance to urge people to stay home and how to take care of themselves using Digital Signage
Since we are all new to this situation, everyone needs to be properly explained several terms like ‘Social Distancing’, ‘Lockdown’, ‘Emergency’ and ‘Self-quarantine’. Digital Signage on the streets and public places can be put to the best use to spread complete awareness about these terms. The best part is this can be done by staying at one’s home through a laptop or a PC. It’s that simple!
2) Functioning businesses could use Digital Signage to keep the working employees informed about the precautions to be taken to keep themselves safe

While a lot of businesses are closed due to lockdown, there are some who still work to serve the public like manufacturing units, testing laboratories, warehouses and other health care centers. While the staff here puts every effort to take care of the needs of the general masses, their health care is important equally.
Digital Signage can be used to display the precautions to be taken while working. Safety measures can be displayed on the screens, so they are constantly reminded of the care they need to take. This again can be managed remotely with Digital Signage software!
3) Hospitals and health care centers can use Digital Signage to help the patients and visitors informed about the virus.

This part is probably the best use Digital Signage can ever be put to in the current situation. By having digital screens at the Doctor’s office, waiting area as well as the hallways showing the symptoms, precautions to take, risks, steps to take care, how the infection spreads, mortality statistics and many more, everyone can be educated.
Digital Signage at the health care centers can also be used to manage the queues and communicate with the waiting patients effectively without having the physically be present there.
If you are in need to employ Signage software to put your digital screens to use, we offer remote support too. Reach us out at
All said and done, we are all a family and we need to tackle this huge problem like one. Let’s fight Coronavirus(COVID-19) by staying at home and following social distancing! Stay home, stay safe everyone!