Refer & Earn

$25 !

Share the love and get rewarded!
*Refer a friend today and both of you get $25. Only existing DotSignage customers can make referrals.

How Do I Get A Referral Bonus?

Refer our services to your friends, family, or in your group. If anyone subscribes to our annual plan using your referral, you and they both get an Amazon Gift Card worth $25.

Who's Eligible To Join The Program?

DotSignage customers who have been using our services are eligible for this referral program.

How Does The Referral Process Work?

Fill Out The Referral Form.

There's no limit to the number of referrals you can submit. Give yourself and anyone you know who might use our service the benefit of this referral.

The next step?

Upon referring a service, both you and the referee will be notified via email.

The DotSignage team will then reach out to the referee to take this further.

When will you get the gift card?

Both you and the referee will get the Amazon Gift Card within 10 working days after the successful subscription to our annual plan at the referee's end. You will be notified for the same.

Please note: The referral is for the annual plan and not the monthly plan.